Thursday, April 8, 2010

Brain Development Books **NEW**

Baby Early Learners (10books in a set)

Content:1) Vegetables  2) Clothings  3) Food  4) Shapes  5) Necessities
6) Colors  7) Fruits  8) Animals  9) Things  10) Toys

Baby First Book

1) Comparison 2) Vegetables  3) Necessities  4) Conversation  5) Animals 
6) Children's songs  7) Poems 8) time  9) Words  10) Dinosaurs

Baby 启蒙书(0-3岁)Content:

1. Touch 2. Action 3. On the contrary 4. Colors  5. Tell  6. Sound  7. Figure  8. Number  9. Size 
10. Mother and baby
Baby 小绘本-心灵成长童话
Baby 第一本

1. Figure 2. Songs  3. Nature  4. Pet  5. Car  6. Literacy  7. Plant  8. Tang  9. Number  10. Wild animals
Baby 小绘本-经典童话屋

1. Pulling carrots 2. Cinderella 3. Ugly Duckling 4. Little Red Riding Hood 5. Frog Prince 6. Three Little Pigs 7. Hare and the Tortoise 8. Fisherman and the goldfish 9. King Emperor's New Clothes 10. Tadpole looking for mom
Baby 早教书

1. Animal 2. Food 3. Number 4. Fruit 5. Transport 6. Recognize objects 7. Supplies 8. Clothing 9. Color 10. Visual excitation
Baby 小绘本-情商童话书

1. Who in the outside 2. I came to policy holders you 3. It is also beautiful 4. I take you home 5. I should not get angry 6. A big watermelon 7. Father and mother's love 8. Happy family 9. Can play with you  10. A Letter for Sparrow
Baby 小绘本-EQ小童话

1. I want to 2. Lamb injured 3. Fence wall collapsed 4. With moving cake 5. Are not I 6. I'll try 7. Cut also cut by 8. Step on my back to 9 . bark dog go to the supermarket 10. industrious receiving only
Baby 小绘本-好习惯故事

1. Donkey pull carts 2. Piglets build houses 3. Naughty monkey 4. Small Maomi fish 5. Lamb Adventures 6. Xiaoci Wei birthday 7. Small blur Xiong find toys 8. Small fox long tail 9 . imposing small yellow dog 10. Lazy Hippo
10 books in a set
BP Price $12.90 per set

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